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Fees and Charges

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ashburton District Council has reviewed fees and charges for the 2024/25 year.

The following should be read in conjunction with the schedule of fees and charges.

  • All fees and charges are inclusive of GST at the rate of 15%.
  • All fees and charges scheduled apply to the 2024/25 year only. Changes may be made during the year by resolution of Council or statutory requirement.
  • While we have aimed to provide a complete and accurate schedule of charges, if any errors or omissions are identified, charges will be calculated by reference to the appropriate underlying authority/ resolution. Council reserves the right to vary and introduce fees and charges at its discretion.
  • All fees are fixed fees, unless stated as minimum charge and charged at time and cost (T/C).
  • Some fees are set by statute or other official documents and cannot be amended or inflated by Council. These fees are indicated by ◊.

Download the full list of our fees a​nd char​ges​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Alternatively, find the fees and charges for each activity and service below:

Some of these fees and charges refer to Council policies and bylaws  for further information. View the Council's Policies and Bylaws.