Our solid waste bylaw covers everything from recycling to industrial waste, and it's under review. How should we effectively manage waste in Mid Canterbury?
Council has closed the old concrete block changing rooms at Hakatere Huts, following a structural engineering assessment that showed serious cracking and displaced blocks.
The Ashburton District Council expressed its opposition to Environment Canterbury’s draft proposal in its submission to Ecan’s representation review earlier this month.
As part of Government increases to a range of parking infringements and towage fees, parking fines for people misusing mobility parks will rise from $150 to $750 on 1 October.
Ashburton property owners will soon receive new three-yearly rating valuations in the post.
Council’s Talk it up Tuesday sessions with the public are moving to once a month.
The construction company building a large solar farm at Lauriston is installing additional signs to keep out unauthorised visitors.
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