Stockwater race maintenance

Throughout the year, water races need maintenance to ensure water flows easily through the races. This is especially important in summer when stock need to drink more water.

Race cleaning

To help keep the water flowing, races need to be cleaned of any weed growth; any silt buildup also needs to removed.  This work should be done mechanically with a digger and needs to be done carefully to make sure the bottom of the race is not damaged, otherwise it may then leak water.

Council organises the cleaning of main races using contractors who are Council-approved operators. The cleaning of local races is the responsibility of the property owner or occupier.

Race spraying

Sometimes weeds like broom, gorse and thistles grow along race banks.  These can be quite hard to remove so it is often easier to kill them by spraying.

Council organises the spraying of main races and road crossings between October and April in the main growing season.  We only use registered spray applicators.