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Over-80 Parking Permits

Ashburton District Council recognises that older drivers sometimes need a bit of extra time to park, shop and move around our town centre. We’ve introduced special parking permits for drivers aged 80 years or over, which allow for longer stays in free council parking spaces around the town centre.

How do the permits work?

Car Parked in Ashburton township with parking permit displayed correctly on dashboard

Displaying a permit allows you to stay up to twice as long:

  • Up to one hour in a 30-minute park
  • Up to two hours in a 60-minute park

There are no concessions for car parks with time restrictions under 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, or in the Eastfield pay and display car park

What about mobility parks?

The council also provides designated mobility parks, marked in blue, for people with a mobility parking permit issued by CCS Disability Action. These are for people who use a wheelchair, have trouble walking long distances or have a medical condition meaning they can’t safely get around.

Over-80 parking permit holders cannot park in mobility parking spaces unless they hold a valid mobility permit. Mobility parks do not have time restrictions, so the mobility parking permit should be displayed when using these parks.

The over-80 parking permit is designed for drivers who do not meet the criteria for a mobility permit, but would like a bit of extra time to get around and shop in a more leisurely fashion.

How can I apply for a permit?

The permit process is easy, simply visit the council service centre with:

  • your driver licence,
  • proof of address and
  • car registration details.

You can fill out an application form at our office or download it here or below.

We will mail your new permit to you once the application form has been processed. If you change vehicles, lose your permit, the permit expires or the permit is damaged, please let us know so we can issue you with a new one.

Permit conditions:

  • Permit holders require a current driver licence.
  • The permit can only be used within the Ashburton District.
  • If you stop driving, please let us know so we can cancel the permit.
  • Over-80 parking permits cannot be shared with others. Misuse may result in parking infringements being issued and/or the cancellation of the permit.

If you have any questions, please contact our friendly customer services team on (03) 307 7700 or

Click here to download a parking permit application