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Maintenance shutdowns, restrictions and notices

Boil water notices

Council issues boil water notices and precautionary boil water notices when a Council-supplied water source poses a risk to the safety of the community. During a boil water notice, people connected to the particular water supply must boil their drinking water and water used in food preparation and for hygiene purposes for at least one minute before consuming.

Current boil water notices are in place for:
Montalto ​​- permanent boil water notice

Current restrictions

Council uses water restrictions during the summer months or during emergencies to make sure that water is available to everyone and that supplies are made to last. We are also expected by our resource consents to take care with our use of water.​​

The following restrictions are in place as of 29 January 2024 and are explained below:

Water Supply

Restriction Level

​AshburtonNo restriction
​ChertseyNo restriction
​DromorePermanent hosing ban
​FairtonNo restriction
​HakatereNo restriction
​HindsNo restriction
​Lake HoodNo restriction
​MayfieldNo restriction
​MethvenNo restriction
​Methven SpringfieldPermanent hosing ban
​Montalto​Permanent hosing ban
​Mt SomersLevel 3
​RakaiaNo restriction

Hosing is not allowed at any time on the Dromore water supply and the Methven Springfield & Montalto piped stockwater schemes. These schemes were not designed for this use.

Levels of restrictions

There are five levels of water restrictions that Council can implement. ​

Level 1 - Alternative day use​

You may use water from a hose, a micro-spray or automatic irrigation system at any time on your assigned day. 
Assigned days are:​

​Ashburton (including Tinwald and Lake Hood)
​Even numbered properties: even dates
Odd numbered properties: odd dates 
​Hinds​Properties on southeast side of SIMT Railway:
even dates
Properties on northwest side of SIMT Railway:
odd dates 
​Mayfield ​Properties on southeast side of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road: even dates
Properties on northwest side of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road: odd dates
​Mt Somers​Properties with frontage to Pattons Road: even dates
Properties without  frontage to Pattons Road: odd dates
​ChertseyProperties on southeast side of Maldon Street:  
even dates
​Properties on northwest side of Maldon Street:
odd dates 
​Fairton​Properties with frontage to Waymouth Street or Deans Street: even datesProperties without frontage to Waymouth Street or Deans Street: odd dates​​

Level 2 - Alternate days, time-limited​

You may use water from a hose, a micro-spray or automatic irrigation system between the hours of 6pm and midnight on your assigned day.

Level 3 – Hand Held Hosing ​

You may use water from a hand-held hose only between the hours of 6pm and midnight on your assigned day.

Level 4 – Hosing Ban ​

No hosing is permitted at any time during this restriction. You can water gardens by hand using a bucket or
watering can. ​

Level 5 – Water Conservation Notice (Emergency Management​)

No non-essential water use is permitted at any time during this restriction. Please limit your use of water to essential domestic, commercial and industrial use only. Essential use includes drinking, washing and cooking but does not include watering plants.