Activity Management Plans
Activity Management Plans provide detail about each of the separate activities we undertake.
The plans are used as the basis of work programmes and budgets included in the long-term plan. Specifically, they provide the following information.
- Description of the activity and the assets needed to undertake the activity.
- The level of service we will provide to the community over the ten-year period from when the plan was prepared.
- Performance measures we will use to monitor whether the activity is delivering the level of service we set out to achieve.
- How the activity will be funded.
- Details of any new project or expenditure planned during the ten years.
- Assumptions used in preparing the plan and the uncertainties and risks involved in undertaking the activity.
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Ashburton Library (224.2 KB)

Ashburton Museum (278.8 KB)

Building Regulation (194.6 KB)

Cemeteries (1.9 MB)

Community Governance & Decision Making (289.2 KB)

District Planning (301.6 KB)

Drinking Water (452.5 KB)

EA Networks Centre (238.4 KB)

Economic Development (318.9 KB)

Emergency Management (1.2 MB)

Land Information (200.7 KB)

Parks & Open Spaces - Part A (13.2 MB)

Parks & Open Spaces - Part B (12.9 MB)

Public Conveniences (926.0 KB)

Regulatory Compliance (197.3 KB)

Stockwater (741.0 KB)

Stormwater (1.1 MB)

Transportation (9.9 MB)

Waste Reduction & Recovery (34.5 KB)

Wastewater (444.2 KB)