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Economic Development Strategy - Rautaki Whanake Ohaoha 2023-33

In 2017 Council developed the first Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2027. In 2022,  Council decided the strategy needed to be reviewed. 

The new strategy was developed with a more outwards focus and involved working alongside our community partners. Conversations and discussions were held by the Economic Development team with over 30 organisations, groups, individuals and businesses to identify the key economic challenges and opportunities.

The updated strategy focused on three key areas to improve economic well-being: Living, working and learning here; Doing business here; and, Visiting and playing here.

In 2023 consultation was undertaken with the public on the draft strategy. 19 submissions were received, and at the proceeding deliberations, elected members directed officers to make several updates to the strategy, including increasing the prominence of climate change and including Te Reo Māori throughout the document. The final strategy 'Economic Development - Rautaki Whanake Ohaoha  2023-33' was adopted on 20 December 2023. 

Economic Development Strategy - Rautaki Whanake Ohaoha 2023-33