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Parking in our district

We are no longer accepting submissions on our Parking Strategy & Parking Management Plan.

We have put together a draft strategy that aims to provide a framework for managing parking across our district. We want our parking spaces to be designed in a way that is efficient and effective for everyone.

A key action in the strategy is developing detailed parking management plans for each of our towns and larger settlements. These plans set out the specific measures that will be used to manage parking, and target known problems. We have put together the first of these, for the Ashburton town centre.

Between the 6 September and 6 October 2021, we asked for your feedback on the two documents:

  • Draft Ashburton District Parking Strategy
  • Draft Ashburton Town Centre Parking Management Plan

We received 33 submissions, with 3 choosing to attend the hearing and present their submission to the Elected Members. Following the hearing, Council deliberated on the feedback and requested some changes to the draft documents. The final documents will be taken to the mid-November Council meeting for adoption. Those who submitted feedback will be notified following Council adopting the final documents.

Below, you can read the consultation document along with the strategy and both a summary and full version of the plan. You can also read the feedback we received, along with a summary of this feedback grouped by topic.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at

Submissions we've received