Agent sought to sell former library building

Published: 19 October 2023

For sale: Former Ashburton Public Library building, one civic-minded owner.

Council is looking to engage a real estate agent to sell the Havelock Street site that has housed its public library for 58 years.

The library building was built by Bradford Construction in 1966 and is being sold as is, where is. The site, which includes a carpark, is made up of two parcels of land with a combined area of 3053 square metres.

A new library is part of the Te Whare Whakatere civic building, which will be open later this year.

The old library building at 180 Havelock Street has had temporary seismic strengthening work.

Chief Executive Hamish Riach said council was looking for a real estate agency to sell the site.

“Council’s preferred sale process is a deadline sale, with offers not to be reviewed or accepted prior to the deadline date. All offers will be presented to Council, at a full Council meeting, with Council to make the final decision on whether or not to accept any offers.”

The library building was designed by Ashburton architects Thomas and Ward for the Ashburton Borough Council and officially opened on 15 September 1967 by Professor J. Vaughan, the pro-rector of the University of Canterbury.

Mr Riach said the building had served its time but now leaked when it rained.

“It was not economic to strengthen and upgrade, and so Council made a decision to incorporate a new modern library into a new administration building that would last at least another 50 years. The move will be symbolic, as modern-day libraries are not just about books, but about making creative and learning spaces for all members of our community.

“At the new library in Te Whare Whakatere, there will be performing and creative spaces, reading nooks and digital rooms, as well as thousands of books. Library staff are looking forward to showing the community a new place that they can explore over summer.”

Real estate agencies interested in selling the site should go to Council's tender portal to access the request for proposal (RFP) documentation.

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