Hampstead pool an option during maintenance shutdown

Swimmers will be able to take a cool dip in the Hampstead Pool when EA Networks Centre closes its aquatic area in January for planned maintenance.
People and Facilities Group Manager Sarah Mosley said she was pleased Council had been able to partner with Hampstead School to operate its outdoor pool during the closedown from 3 January to 2 February.
“It’ll be a refreshing swim, as it’s unheated, but it’s a good option for those wanting to swim in a public pool while the aquatic area is closed for maintenance.”
Hampstead School usually opens its pool for students in February and March, and the new partnership allows Council to operate the pool in January and redeploy lifeguards there.
Ms Mosley said swimmer numbers at EA Networks Centre over the years showed that January was historically the quietest month as many people were away on holiday.
“It is actually the best time to get this sort of essential maintenance done and it also does not affect learn-to-swim or schools swim programmes.”
The aquatic area maintenance includes repairs to the pool deck, tiling and changing rooms, and the cost of the work is about $100,000.
Ms Mosley said the stadium and the gym would remain open during January and members with pool or dual access to both the gym and pool would have their weekly fee reduced accordingly.
“We have a fantastic facility but in order to keep it that way, we must stay on top of specialist maintenance and give the contractors room to do their work.”
As part of the partnership with Hampstead School, Council will upgrade the pool’s chlorination system and balance tank cover, which will cost up to $6000. Council will also help the school with pre-opening cleaning tasks.
Opening hours at Hampstead pool will be subject to the weather and advised closer to January, and swimmers will pay $4.50 per adult and $3.50 per child (5-17 years). Under 5s are free.
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