MAYOR: Tune in to the Lake Camp workshop
Elected members, including myself, are back on deck this week after a short break - it’s straight back to work with a Council meeting and plenty of issues to discuss.
A couple of items that I’ve been keeping an eye on are residents’ concerns at the low levels at Lake Camp and Environment Canterbury’s proposed new representations, which tentatively would put the Ashburton district into a South Canterbury ward.
Council wants to know more about the Lake Camp situation and has invited scientists from Ecan and the Department of Conservation to come to a workshop next week where we will talk about the issues, what needs to be done and who will do it.
The workshop on 14 August will be open to the public and live-streamed, because we know people all around the district and beyond are interested. This way, everyone can get the facts from the scientists about what is going on.
Is it a natural thing in such a dry year? Can anything be done to alleviate residents’ concerns about the low water level?
Managing the lake is not strictly an Ashburton District Council job, but we do look after the district and the people who live in it. If there is strong support from residents for us to do something, when we will consider what we can do.
But first, let’s see what facts are. Tune in at 12.30pm on 14 August, or watch the recorded workshop at your leisure, via our Facebook and You Tube channels.
Environment Canterbury’s proposed new ward boundaries, as part of its Representation Review, have been rolled out for public consultation. There are changes planned for the Ashburton District, which has previously been part of the Mid Canterbury Ward that included us and Selwyn.
The proposed changes would see Ashburton become part of a wider South Canterbury ward.
Our Council already submitted during the initial stages of the review process – we did not support any of the options being presented on the basis that none would guarantee effective or fair representation for the district.
We will submit again in the public consultation stage and I encourage you all to look into the changes and let Ecan know what you think, before 2 September.
On a sad note, I want to acknowledge the passing last weekend of Roger Tasker, a man who made an enormous contribution to the civic life of this community in his 82 years. Roger was a long-time elected member of the Ashburton County Council, and then the Ashburton District Council (after the county and borough councils merged in 1989), and he also represented Mid Canterbury as a Canterbury Regional Councillor. He was later appointed as a commissioner for the Environment Court.
He had a great partnership with his wife Bev, who was also a district councillor for six terms.
Our thoughts are with the whole Tasker family as they mourn, but also celebrate, Roger’s achievements.
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