Local tourism adventures in spotlight
Ashburton District tourism operators had a chance recently to talk directly with the people who set the funding for district promotion in Mid Canterbury.
Elected councillors spent a day visiting tourism operators from Mt Potts in the Ashburton high country to a garden of international significance on the plains, hearing about the work under way to attract visitors from around New Zealand and the world.
They were accompanied by senior Council staff, members of the local Tourism Advisory Group and in-house district promotions lead Shelley Donnelly, who has been working with local tourism operators, running promotional campaigns showing off the district, coordinating visits from influencers and content creators, and raising awareness and confidence in the Experience Mid Canterbury brand.
Chief Executive Hamish Riach said it had been 18 months since Council brought visitor promotion back inhouse.
“The work had previously been contracted out, so it was a good chance to recap all the work that has happened since February 2023.
“The point of the day was to raise awareness of the things in our district that attract tourists and meet some of the operators and hear their stories. I think we all saw, heard and experienced something new and have a new appreciation of the promotional requirements necessary to put the district on the map.”
The bus tour began at Mt Potts Lodge in the Hakatere Conservation Park, with a quick visit to the world famous Mt Sunday, and further stops at the Staveley Store, Ōpuke Thermal Pools & Spa, and a final stop at Trott’s Gardens.
In total 18 local operators presented to the envoy and each gave an insight into their business, and their needs and challenges in the industry.
This interaction provided the Councillors with personal insights into the operations of many owner-operated businesses run by passionate locals. This exchange of ideas and information is crucial for fostering a collaborative environment that supports the growth and success of the tourism industry in the Ashburton District.
Mid Canterbury is enjoying an eight-year high in tourism expenditure and with international tourism still at only 80 per cent of pre-Covid levels, this should continue.
This growth was a theme of the day and highlighted the need for how to further realise the district's potential and achieving sustainable visitor growth.
At the final stop, the new owners of Trott's Gardens, Rob and Janene Riedstra, served afternoon tea and a tipple from their newly licensed mini-pub, the Brantwood Arms.
The group also heard from members of the Ashburton Aviation Museum, about their plans for expansion.
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