CE Hamish Riach: Important next step in second bridge progress

Ashburton’s second bridge was in the headlines again this week, after it was included in the Government’s National Land Transport Programme 2024-27.
The fact that a second Ashburton bridge is now part of the national programme of significant transport works is an important next step in making the river crossing a reality.
Council understands that the Government will subsidise the project to a minimum of 51 per cent, and we are continuing to work with them on how to fund the balance.
Transport Minister Simeon Brown clearly sees a second Ashburton bridge as a critical project to increase resilience, reduce congestion and enable us to get where we want to go, quickly and safely. We don’t disagree.
The cost for a new second bridge off Chalmers Avenue and a new road connecting to Grahams Road was last estimated at about $130 million, so there are still big funding discussions to be had about our local share.
This week is also important because it is National Welcoming Week and we have two events planned to mark the occasion.
The first was yesterday, when 33 new Kiwis from 10 different countries were officially bestowed their citizenship by Mayor Neil Brown. The second will be on Saturday, when Council joins with the Hakatere Multi Cultural Council to run the Hakatere Noodle Festival.
The noodle festival will be held in Baring Square East, in front of Te Whare Whakatere, and it will be the first big event to be held in the square. Some 20 food vendors will be spaced around the square and two roads have been closed so noodle-lovers can search out a dish to try and then sit down and enjoy the occasion.
There’ll be live entertainment, and the event will run from 3pm-9pm.
Many countries incorporate noodles into their traditional dishes so the noodle festival is a fun way to taste another culture’s food, celebrate our district’s diversity and make new connections.
Newcomers play an important role in boosting the district’s workforce and enriching our communities, and everyone is welcome to join our noodle celebration.
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