Career Fest aims to inform and inspire
A careers event in Ashburton later this month is aimed at showing many of the different industries and jobs that are available in the district, to inspire those looking for work or to upskill or find a new job.
Career Fest will be held at the Hampstead sports grounds on 24 August, from 10am-2pm, and organisers hope it will be a game-changer for some.
The event is a collaboration between Ashburton District Council, the Mayors Taskforce For Jobs and the Ministry of Social Development.
Council Group Manager Jane Donaldson said at least 20 local businesses had registered to have displays at the event, which was free to attend.
“Our Mayors Taskforce co-ordinator Sharon Watson has been encouraging local employers to come along. In her role she matches young people with employers, and saw an opportunity for a jobs event that raises wider awareness in the community of the jobs that drive our district.
“We hope families will come along and see all the work choices that are available, then talk about the merits of going to university or getting into further study, or learning on the job. This event is for workers of all ages, from those just leaving school to those looking to upskill and change.”
Businesses will get a chance to showcase what they do and the different skills they are looking for, or willing to teach.
Ms Donaldson said Mid Canterbury had a diverse business base, including leaders in the agricultural and manufacturing industries.
“The knowledge and passion of our business people always impresses me and they need people to do all sorts of jobs, from installing new tech to driving trucks and doing mechanical engineering.
“Having a job that you enjoy, with people that support your growth, is important and this Career Fest is a great first step to making that happen.”
A barbecue, with meat supplied by ANZCO, and food trucks will be onsite at the Hampstead sports grounds and there’ll be activities for younger family members.
People who complete a feedback form about their experience at the Career Fest will go into a draw to win two $200 grocery vouchers (with help from Talley's).
Are you a business that wants to attend? Contact
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