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Policies are formal documents that governs how the Council operates.

Type in a keyword to search/filter the list of available policies:

Appointment of Directors Policy 2020 (310.2 KB) Download
Asset Disposal Policy (220.9 KB) Download
Backflow Prevention (352.7 KB) Download
Civic Art Collection (240.2 KB) Download
Climate Change Policy (340.9 KB) Download
Closed Circuit Television (190.6 KB) Download
Closed Circuit Television Guidelines (403.2 KB) Download
Communications Policy (250.0 KB) Download
Community Engagement Policy (Significance & Engagement Policy) (395.6 KB) Download
Community Grants and Funding Policy (255.4 KB) Download
Community Honours Awards Policy (181.6 KB) Download
Corporate Risk (784.4 KB) Download
Council Owned or Managed Rural Reserves (200.5 KB) Download
Customer Privacy (229.2 KB) Download
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy (266.0 KB) Download
Development and Financial Contributions 2024 (407.8 KB) Download
Dog Control (1.5 MB) Download
Elderly Persons Housing Policy (416.5 KB) Download
Elected Members' Allowances and Reimbursement (281.4 KB) Download
Equal Employment Opportunities (404.5 KB) Download
External Appointments Policy (148.0 KB) Download
Fraud and Corruption Policy (285.6 KB) Download
Gambling Venue (279.9 KB) Download
Library Collection Policy (420.6 KB) Download
Local Alcohol Policy (311.5 KB) Download
Local Approved Products (402.9 KB) Download
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 Requests (228.6 KB) Download
Mobility Parking (388.5 KB) Download
Naming Policy (435.9 KB) Download
Over 80's Parking Policy (531.7 KB) Download
Partnerships with the Private Sector (392.6 KB) Download
Pressure Sewer Systems Policy 2020 (276.2 KB) Download
Procurement Policy (705.2 KB) Download
Property Holdings Policy (186.1 KB) Download
Protected Disclosures Policy (794.3 KB) Download
Rates Postponement including Māori Freehold Land (122.2 KB) Download
Rates Remission including Māori Freehold Land (176.5 KB) Download
Rating Area Maps (3.8 MB) Download
Revenue and Financing Policy 2024 (578.1 KB) Download
Sensitive Expenditure Policy (474.7 KB) Download
Smokefree Outdoor Areas (132.5 KB) Download
Temporary Closure of Parking Spaces (131.4 KB) Download
Treasury Management (304.8 KB) Download
Use of Footpaths for Alfresco Dining (456.0 KB) Download
Use of Pole Mounted Banners (201.5 KB) Download
Use of Sports Fields (476.1 KB) Download