Further Notice of By-election for the Western Ward

Further Notice of By-Election for the Western Ward
The nomination period to fill the extraordinary vacancy for the Western Ward has now closed. Nominations have been received from Carol JOHNS, Rob MACKLE, Hayden TASKER and Lynda TOPP.
As the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies, a voting process is required and will be conducted by postal voting using the First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system. Voting will open on Thursday 20 April and close at 12 noon on Friday 12 May 2023.
Enrolment and Special Voting Arrangements
Residential electors within the Western Ward area who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this by-election can enrol or amend their enrolment details on the electoral roll on or before Thursday 11 May 2023:
- Online at www.vote.nz
- By texting your name and address to 3676 to get a form sent to you
- By calling 0800 36 76 56 to ask for a form to be sent to you
- By email request to enquiries@elections.govt.nz
Western Ward ratepayers who live outside the Western Ward area and who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this by-election can enrol on or before 5pm Thursday 11 May 2023 by completing and returning a ratepayer enrolment form, available from the Ashburton District Council office or website.
Special voting facilities for the by-election will be available at the Ashburton District Council Office, 5 Baring Square West, Ashburton during normal office hours between Thursday 20 April and 12 noon on Friday 12 May 2023.
Anthony Morton
Electoral Officer – Ashburton District Council
PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
iro@electionz.com / 0800 666 048
For information about voting in the by-election, visit voteashburton.nz
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