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Future of Lake Camp and Lake Clearwater

We are no longer accepting submissions on the Future of Lake Camp and Lake Clearwater.

What are we proposing?

We want to develop a 30-year plan for Lakes Camp (Ōtautari) and Clearwater (Te Puna a Taka) that represents the views of iwi, the community, and the council.

Your feedback will help us understand your hopes for the future of the area and make sure the community’s view is reflected in our decision-making.

Why do we need a plan?

Lake Clearwater is currently in a fragile state and its water quality is declining, meaning it's at risk of ‘flipping’. This means it could reach a point of degradation that could have severe impacts on biodiversity and the overall health of the area, which would be very difficult to reverse.

Recently, there has been an increase in the value, quality and size of dwellings built in the settlement. This means there is capacity for more people and the potential for a larger environmental impact. The rules in our District Plan are also due for review, and it's a good time to look at whether they need to be changed.

We all want to see this area protected for the enjoyment of current and future generations, and this will require everyone to play their part, including the council.

Read the Consultation Document

What do you see for the future of the Lake Camp and Lake Clearwater area? Before having your say, we encourage you to learn more about the project by reading the Consultation Document - (PDF 13.5mb)

  • Community consultation

    2 February - 13 March 2022

    We are currently seeking feedback from the community.

  • Hearing and workshop

    13 April 2022

    Submitters can present their views to Council at the hearing. A workshop will follow for Council to give staff direction regarding the development of the plan.

  • Plan development

    14 April - 1 June 2022

    The draft plan will be developed based on community feedback.

  • Consultation with key partners and stakeholders

    2 June - 4 July 2022

    Council will consult with key partners and stakeholders (iwi, DoC, ECan, Hutholders Association etc) on the draft plan.

  • Plan adoption

    17 August 2022

    The final plan is expected to be adopted by Council.

Submissions received