Reflecting on a busy 2024 and looking ahead to another big year

Published: 12 December 2024

The end of the year always brings a little opportunity for reflection and, while there is still much to do, there is plenty to acknowledge, and in a good way.

It is almost a full year since the opening of Te Whare Whakatere, the new library and civic building, and this beautiful building has exceeded expectations in terms of a workplace and a place for the community to call their own. Baring Square East has also gained a new lease on life as an event space and we look forward to new offerings in 2025.

The new water treatment plant at Mount Somers was officially opened in September and, much like Methven’s new plant, it will end the need for boil water notices on the village supply after a heavy rain. Water quality is important for all and Council continues to spend millions ensuring what comes out of your tap meets the high bar of national standards.

Water will be a hot topic this summer, with dry conditions forecast, so it is on everyone to use water wisely. For example, try to water your lawn first thing in the morning or late at night, not in the middle of the day when so much water just evaporates and is wasted.

Progress continues on fixing potholes and repairing roads, and rehabilitation on seven sites is on track to be completed by Christmas. In the New Year, we will tackle Maronan Road and Seafield Road; the second bridge also remains on our radar.

While these are big projects, there are plenty of smaller ones and the day-to-day operation of council business that is equally important. Every day of the year we aim to deliver good quality and reliable services around drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and rubbish collection.

If we don’t get that right, we expect to hear from you – and there’s a high chance you’ll ring or message us on social media to report an issue or bin not emptied. Our Customer Service team is one of the best in the business, consistently rated in the top 10 of the 70-plus Councils in the country.

We still have quite a few workshops on the calendar for this year, and the final full Council meeting will be next Wednesday 18 December.

Work in the new year will focus on preparing an annual plan for 2025-26 and there is already plenty of work happening on draft budgets and ensuring we have the necessary resources to get the work done.

Another meaty topic will be the Local Water Done Well reforms and we’ll be having a conversation with the community on how Council best sees water services being delivered for the Ashburton District.

Later in the year there’ll be Local Body Elections, so if January gets you thinking about challenges, then perhaps you might consider standing for council.

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