MAYOR: Your feedback helps shape the future

I often hear people say “Council never listens” but that is not the case.
During this current consultation of our draft Long Term Plan we’ve organised more than 30 events to engage directly with you, the people who live in the Ashburton District. We’ve heard lots of ideas and suggestions, along with some compliments and complaints.
We’ve shared a ton of information, answered lots of questions and I now hope that people will make a submission so that we can confirm our plan for the next 10 years.
It’s always a careful balance of what ratepayers can afford and the services and things that make our district a great place to live.
If you have made a submission, I thank you – we will be listening carefully. In fact every single submission we receive on the draft Long Term Plan will be read by all councillors.
I also urge you to tick the box that says you would like to speak to your submission. Some people might find this intimidating, but Council chamber is a safe place to share your feedback.
There’s just over a week to go until the submission deadline on Sunday 28 April and this Saturday will see the last of our informal sausage sizzles, this one at Methven between 10am and 2pm. Come down for a chat, we welcome all-comers.
Council’s strategy and policy team will collate all the submissions and public hearings are scheduled for 13-16 May. We will deliberate on the final form of the plan from 20 May and consider all the information we have at hand, including your feedback.
We have highlighted five key decisions, but people can give feedback on any aspect of the draft plan. Already submissions have surpassed those received on our previous Long Term Plan in 2021, when we received 432.
The consultation calendar has been busy this week, with meetings at Hinds, in Ashburton and Methven, as well as our pop-up events.
We're hearing a wide range of views and the next, most important step is for you to make a submission.
For all you need to know about the draft Long Term Plan, go to
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