LTP: Tinwald Pool or other water play?
Council’s decision to close Tinwald Pool this past summer season has been the catalyst for a wider decision about water play in the district.
The ageing Tinwald Pool needs significant repairs both above and below ground, costing around $3 million, and Councillors are now asking the community via the draft Long Term Plan if that money could be spent on other water-based leisure facilities – like a new water play area the Ashburton Domain, or a new outdoor pool or hydroslide at EA Networks Centre.
Mayor Neil Brown said the four project options were also accompanied by an option to do nothing.
“We made a decision to close the pool at Tinwald this past summer because it needs a lot of money spent upgrading underground pipes, which leak, and a new water treatment plant.
“Contributing to that decision was the fact that it has also been hard to find lifeguards for the facility, required by health and safety laws, and user numbers are not high.
“Now we are thinking about the future and what is best for our district as a whole.”
A sausage sizzle at the Tinwald Pool this Saturday, 6 April, will give Councillors a chance to talk to the local community about the options.
Council’s preferred option is to build a new outdoor pool with a sheltered, landscaped area for picnicking at EA Networks Centre.
Mayor Brown said this would make lifeguarding the pool easier and cheaper to run than at Tinwald. It could also be open for longer hours and a longer season.
“On Saturday we’ll have lots of information about the entire draft Long Term Plan but we are happy to talk specifically about the Tinwald Pool and what is needed to bring it up to New Zealand standards.
“We could invest a significant amount into rebuilding the Tinwald Pool but it could continue to have a relatively small number of people using it each season, and we’d still have to find lifeguards.”
Small groups will be shown around the pool and people can ask questions.
The weather looks sunny for Saturday, but if conditions suddenly change then you’ll find the latest notification on our Council Facebook page.
If you miss Saturday’s event, there are some 30 events planned during the consultation period, which runs until 28 April.
Go to for more info and to make a submission.
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