Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Ashburton District Council respects and protects the privacy of our website users. The privacy of your personal information is important to us.

Customer Privacy Policy

Our Customer Privacy Policy​​ sets out how we collect, use, protect and share your personal information. It incorporates the requirements set out in the Privacy Act 2020.

Collection and use of personal information on this website

Personal information that is already held in public records may be accessible on this website and subsidiary websites. An example is minutes of council meetings which record submissions that are made by members of the public.


Please note that by making a submission, your information will be used in the following ways:

  • Submission material, including your name and organisation (if applicable) but excluding your contact details, will be included in material available to Council, media and the public at our office and on our website.
  • The contact details you provide will be used for administration of the consultation process, including informing you of the outcome of the consultation.
  • The information you have provided will be stored and held by Council. If you would like to request access to, or make a correction to your personal information, please contact the Council staff.


We need the information you provide on a building consent application form to process the application under the Building Act 2004.

We collate statistics relating to issued building consents and have a statutory obligation to regularly forward these to Statistics New Zealand.

We store the information on a public register. We must supply this information (as previously determined by the Office of the Ombudsman) to whomsoever requests the information.

Under the Privacy Act 1993 you have the right to see and correct personal information we hold about you.

Storage and security of personal information

When any online services are provided which involve visitors sending personal financial information to this website and subsidiary websites, a secure transmission method will be used.

All Ashburton District Council employees and data processors who have access to, and are associated with the processing of, personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data.

Who you can contact for further information

If you have any queries or concerns about the Privacy Policy or personal data Ashburton District Council has collected, we are happy to respond or investigate. Council's Privacy Officer, or a nominated representative, will respond to your query.