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Development and Financial Contributions Policy

Tell us what you think about our draft Development and Financial Contributions Policy 2021

Council wants to amend its Development and Financial Contributions Policy. The purpose of the changes is to:

  • update the value of the development contributions (DCs) to align with expenditure in the draft long-term plan 2021-31;
  • introduce a wastewater DC for Rakaia township
  • enable Council to collect DCs at service connection when building consent is not issued by Council;
  • provide clearer and stronger reasons for collecting community infrastructure DCs.

Please note that Council has omitted two projects from the policy schedules until greater certainty around the timing, scope and value of the projects is known. Council plans to consult on further changes to the schedules when the value and scope of those projects are decided.

What are development contributions?

Development contributions help to fund essential services and community facilities to meet the needs of a growing district. The policy addresses how we fairly share those costs with developers.

A development contribution is a fee that Council charges for new building developments. The fee contributes to the costs of building the infrastructure that supports them. DCs are charged at the time of issuing the building consent to the person that is building the house (or non-residential building).

The charge is made under our Development and Financial Contributions Policy, which is made under the Local Government Act 2002.

Submissions can be made up until 5pm on Monday 19 April 2021.

Personal Details

If appropriate
Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at the hearing? * Hearings are expected to be held in the Council Chamber, 131 Havelock Street on Tuesday 11 May 2021.

What is your preferred course of action on this policy? *

If your preference was to adopt some parts and change others, which parts would you adopt and which would you change? Please tick the box for your preference.

Objective Statement
Community and memorial halls
Water rates remissions
Rates penalty remissions
Plain English

Please note, all submissions are public documents and will be made available on Council’s website with the names of submitters included. If you are completing this submission on behalf of others, please name the group or organisation.

Only one submission per group/organisation will be accepted. If you need, please attach additional information.
